Thursday, October 10, 2013

If They Could Talk

If they could talk, the TEN things my running shoes would tell me.

#10  Thanks for avoiding all the “doggie presents” all these years.

#9  Please don’t leave me out on the porch to air out, I get scared someone is going to steal me away.

#8  You need to continue working on becoming more of a forefoot striker…this heavy heel strike thing is wearing me OUT.

#7  The 20 pound weight loss, sure makes my job a lot more fun when there is less of YOU to haul around.

#6  You really need to start working on a new invention, sweat bands for your ankles.  Summer training in Virginia tends to leave my insoles squishing after 13 miles.

#5  The running thing isn't any easier on me…but I still love you!

#4  Are you going to respect me after 20 miles?

#3  What’s this whole “AIR” thing about…I thought I was going to fly!

#2  Oh no not the dryer…I don’t care if you do turn the heat off, I get so dizzy in there.

AND the number ONE thing my running shoes would tell me if they could talk:

I really enjoy the quality time we get to spend together…I’m glad I’m not, the AB glider, Buns of steel video, Slider shaper, Thigh-blaster, AB Force rower or the VHS Jane Fonda work out tapes.  In the name of Air Pegasus, those poor buggers are marooned on the island of mis-fit toys or lost in the dark, damp, and scary basement somewhere.

Now let’s go for a run!

What would your running shoes tell you? 

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