Thursday, June 21, 2012

Coming Back...

I won't pretend that my come back was from a major injury requiring surgery or something like that.  I had a slight case of tendonitis.  Not earth shattering and as far as I know, no one has died from it.  Yet the time on the sidelines, the time away from running was tough to take.  And after this mornings successful 5 miles, I'm glad to be back

From the first indication of pain...I lived in denial.  I could not get injured, I had run nearly 12 years without much time away, recovery was for the other guys.  But with a 30 minute visit to the was me.

My time away has taught me a few lesson.

#1 Do not take your health for granted.

#2 Do not take running for granted, after nearly 10000 miles...I figured I would always be able to run.

#3 REST, REST, REST is important

#4  Pay attention to your work not repeat the specialty workouts to often, to many hills, to much speed, to many tempos run without easy days, recovery runs and days off your feet will add up and will get you.

#5 I need to ice my knees more often, I need preventive maintenance on this body. 

AND MOST IMPORTANT:  If you have to be on the sidelines....use your time to invest in your family, love on your wife and kids...and hang out with your Grandson.  My time down came at the perfect time, my Grandson was coming to visit.  I wasn't torn between getting in my training and playing with him.  The bonus of my recovery, I had time to hang out with Aiden.

GOD has a plan and it is perfect.

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